Serving clients for almost 30 years | The only law firm on Lake Oconee

Lake Oconee

(706) 484-9901


By Appointment (706) 484-9901

Kristine R. Moore Tarrer, LLC

Disclaimer and Important Information

All of the information provided by this site is for general information only. Volumes have been written on the subjects addressed by this site and it would be impossible to provide all of this information to you in the brief summaries on this web site. In addition, laws, forms, and practices may change without notice and they differ from state to state and often from county to county. People often make the mistake of drawing unfounded legal conclusions from limited information. This can have disastrous consequences in some situations. Seemingly illogical exceptions apply to many laws and legal practices discussed on this site. For these reasons we cannot guarantee the accuracy nor the thoroughness of the information provided on this web site as it pertains to your individual situation.

You should always consult with us about your legal problems before acting on your own. After the initial consultation you may decide that you do not require the services of an attorney. On the other hand, you may determine that we can help you apply the law to your specific situation or you may find that the situation is even worse than you expected and that it requires immediate attention. The failure to retain an attorney at the appropriate time, whether due to procrastination, to the lack of understanding of the dangers involved, or to the desire to avoid attorneys’ fees, is the single greatest reason people encounter legal difficulties.

Please use this information solely to help you better understand the legal subjects discussed and to help you better interact with us after you hire us. Well-informed, well-prepared clients are very helpful to attorneys in achieving the desired results and in helping to minimize legal fees.